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Starting development of advanced semiconductor packaging technology with financial support of KRW 4.28 billion

구재연 | 대외협력과 | DATE : 2024-09-24

킥오프 미팅 개최 사진

- A joint research team led by Professor Kim Hyuk of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Computer Engineering has secured about KRW 4.28 billion over three years

- Leading semiconductor innovation by developing organic interposer

- Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's electronic components industrial technology development project

University of Seoul (President Won Yong-gul) announced that it has started developing advanced semiconductor packaging technology with 4.28 billion won support. The research is part of the Advanced Strategic Industrial Super Gap Technology Development Project of the Electronic Components Industry Technology Development Project organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. University of Seoul was selected for the organic interposer development project.

The research team led by Professor Kim Hyuk of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will collaborate with Seoul National University, LG Electronics, Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology, Next Generation Convergence Technology Research Institute, Korea Institute of Production Technology, Hanyang University, and Pohang University of Technology to conduct a joint research on 'Development of Organic RDL Interposer Technology for Low-cost Panel Level Semiconductor Advanced Packaging Using Inkjet Printing Process'. In particular, this project is drawing more attention in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S., the world's leading packaging research institute.  

연구 관련 사진
▲  The organic RDL interposer to be developed in this project serves to connect an integrated circuit (IC) and a lower substrate.

The goal of this study is to develop materials, process equipment, and printing technologies for large-area (500×500 or more) organic interposer printing processes. It plans to secure a line width of less than 5 μm, which is the world's best technology. University of Seoul will focus on metal wiring and insulator printing technology and printing technology for a line width of 5 μm.

The semiconductor advanced packaging field is a core technology of artificial intelligence semiconductors, and the importance of packaging technology that integrates chiplet dies is growing. In Korea, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix are investing in high-performance semiconductor post-processing technology, led by HBM (high bandwidth memory). The goal is to maintain Korea's semiconductor technology and create future food through the development of such advanced packaging technology. Recognizing this importance, the government also selected semiconductor advanced packaging as one of the 12 national strategic technologies in 2023. University of Seoul's research was conducted in earnest starting with a task kickoff meeting at Mirae Hall in June.

서울시립대학교 전자전기컴퓨터공학부 김혁 교수
▲  Professor Kim Hyuk, Department of Electronic and Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Seoul

Professor Kim Hyuk said, "We are happy to obtain a large project with the semiconductor advanced packaging development project." and added, "We will build related technologies and infrastructure in cooperation with the Seoul Metropolitan Government to move University of Seoul into a center of this field and contribute greatly to the development of the advanced packaging industry and small and medium-sized companies." Professor Kim has published 81 papers in the field of semiconductor processing over the past five years, and has published papers in prominent academic journals such as Advanced Energy Materials (IF: 24.4) and Advanced Functional Materials (IF: 18.5).